Salted Cod Fish Special Yellow Cure >180 day of Cure +- 2.6 to 3Kg

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Salted Cod Fish Special Yellow Cure>180 day of Cure +- 2.6 to 3Kg

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Cure >180 days
humidyty <47%
salt: 12 to 16%
weight > 3.5 kg

Salted Cod Fish is an essencial item of the Portuguese gastronomy. Very rich in Omega 3 and vitamin D. Cod fish comes in different sizes and cures. Salted and dried so it lasts for months without spoiling.

To cook it is desalted in water during three days (inside the frige) the water should be changed twice a day then it ready to be cooked into a delicious rich plate.

There are more than one thousand ways to cook the Cod Fish but one of the most typical ones in the oven with garlic onion and olive oil and some potates. Delicious!

This is also one of the mandatory Christmas plates!

Preis pro Liter / Kg (€)25.98

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